Wellcome to our Ecosystem

We have created a service package that focuses on the introduction of smartphones for seniors. We bring added value to seniors and partners.

Senior Digital Guidance

CeniorPhone turns Android phones into a single user interface. Once learned is always learned, even if the phone changes. The adaptability and ease of use of the application charms seniors and clarifies the work of Digi guides.

  • Service pack; Free App, Videos, print materials and help
  • All materials and videos in local language
  • The workload of the guides will decrease
  • Makes learning logic; once learned, the application works on almost all Android phones from 6.0


The partners offer services that are suitable for seniors, guided by CFT.

  • You offer benefits and services straight to the senior segment
  • Measurable result
  • Ceniors Fare Trade is valued certificate 
  • Your social value will rise
  • Clear process:
    Logo and short information to App – > Bridge page -> Partner service (web or App)

Phone Resellers

  • You can sell any Android phone as a senior version 
  • You recycle old previous phone models efficiently 
  • Once learned, the application works on all Android phones
  • Support from Senior organisations. Clear guidance videos, extensive user support work locally and remote guidance

CFT- Seniors Fair Trade Certificate

We have created a new certificate that ensures a responsible way of serving senior citizens.

  • CFT – Ceniors Fair Trade high level and responsible customer service
  • Certificate is maintained in national senior organizations
  • The certificate is awarded to all responsible operators


Trading related to seniors is often characterized by the so-called overselling. For example, technology is sold even if there is no real use for it. In sales, technology-related terms are used that the average senior does not know.

Seniors often don’t dare to admit that they don’t know new technology and especially related terminology, so the seller can also sell them everything “necessary”.

Cancelling unnecessary orders takes time and recurses for both the seller and the buyer. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, we created procedures that for the senior store, with which the shopping experience is good for both parties.


  • Let’s train salespeople with clear material to face seniors

  • Surveys are conducted after the sale to ensure customer satisfaction and understanding

  • After two weeks, a new survey will be sent, which will confirm the meaningfulness of the purchase and enable the store to be changed to better meet real needs, if necessary
  • The program has been created to be clear and easy to adopt

Ask for more information about new Ceniors Fair Trade  -certificate from Olli Uuksulainen who has worked in the online business more than 20 years consistently successful from enterprises to new startups.

Olli Uuksulainen is an CeniorPhone founder and innovator.

Email: olli@ceniorphone.com
Mobile: +35845130400